TRIP REPORTSShare your latest dive reports, recommendations and experiences
The "Gombessa II" Expedition
24 Hour World Record Dive
TAMATAROA 1 – Laurent Ballesta’s latest mission: to conserve the Gt Hammerhead Shark in French Polynesia…
The “GOMBESSA II” Expedition 2014 – 24 Hour World Record Dive – Solving the mysteries of the Marbled Grouper
A fantastic selection of photography by Dave Mothershaw diving at the illusive Yonaguni Monument, 130km off the coast of Taiwan.
During the first week of May 2012 a daring team of technical divers did an amazing 16 trimix dives to depths of +/‐90m (300ft) using rebreathers on a WWII shipwreck that is believed to be the Kuda Maru, off the coast of Cebu, Philippines.
AP Diving congratulate James Cameron and the Deepsea Challenge team on their successful dive to 10,898m / 36,070 ft – the ocean’s deepest point – Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.
This is a joint project between UH, Bishop Museum and the Hawaii State DLNR using our CCR team and the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory sub Pisces-V. Following is some backstory on what we were doing, written by Richard.